Be all that you can be. Find your future--as a teacher.

Musings of a second-year teacher.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Take Me Back!

I am happy to report that I am no longer unemployed! This is a somewhat delayed response, as I've been busy enjoying my summer and not so busy updating my blog. Ironically, I found out that I was being rehired exactly a month (to the day!) after being told I was laid off.

The one caveat with being rehired is that I will no longer be in Kindergarten. Instead, I will be the new 4th grade teacher! I am quite excited to have students who can write their names, zip up their pants and (hopefully) refrain from having accidents in their pants. On the other hand, I will most definitely miss my daily hugs, carefully colored pictures and status as 20 kindergartners' "best friend."

I am excited about the challenge of a new grade. I'm also nervous because I know that, in many ways, I will feel like a first year teacher all over again. I know some things to expect and then I know there are other things that I am unprepared for. Stay tuned to find out about my adventures in 4th grade. I'm sure they will provide for some definite entertainment!


Blogger thejsquare said...

Much success to you. Remember that you are learning more about yourself daily as an educator as much as you are teaching to those young minds.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous business logo design said...

congrats man for your new job and best of luck for your future

12:58 AM  

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